Comparing Our & Commission Based Real Estate Services



 All of our Real Estate Services keep more of your money in your pocket- where it belongs!

Below you will find what makes our Real Estate Services so different from other real estate firms in Western PA.  When looking to hire a firm to help you sell, buy, sell & buy, or invest in real estate, you can use these unique qualities as guidelines for making hiring decisions. 

We promise: To treat everyone and their holdings, equally and ethically, in the delivery of high-quality, customized, real estate solutions, at the lowest possible cost. 

1.  All employees of MBG are licensed in PA as real estate brokers, associate brokers, and salespersons (of varying kinds).

2.  We provide a wide range of customize service services that help people sell, buy, and invest in real estate in PA.
3.  Are bound by PA State Real Estate Commission rules and regulations in the practice of real estate.
4.  Are bound by over 23 Federal Law's that must be followed in our practice of real estate.
5.  Anti-trust laws assure that all commissions are negotiable between a real estate firm and their client.
6.  All properties are listed in the local multi-list and®.

1. MBG Real Estate Services works around our value of equal work = equal pay- thus, treating everyone equally.
2. MBG's seller clients pay the same hourly rate- no matter what the home sells for.
3. MBG's hourly fees create no motivation to tell you anything but the honest truth and work in YOUR best interest.
4. MBG's clients are in full control of the process- on in which we co-create processes together that best meets their situation and need.
5. MBG's process allows clients to shift between services and activities as the situation changes and without penalty.
6. MBG's process allows clients to enter and exit the process at any time. Contract commitment is by the hour.
7. MBG's process can accommodate clients that need to work inside smaller budgets.
8. MBG Sellers can use their savings to get their home sold very quickly, keep a sale from crashing, or receive a much larger proceeds check at closing.
9. MBG's Buyer clients can use their savings to buy a higher priced home, reduce sales price and closing costs, get a crashing deal closed, or receive as a tax-free cash rebate after closing.
10. MBG's uses multiple negotiation strategies to get deals closed- such as Stanford's Non-positional Negotiation Strategy.
11. MBG is a business consulting firm that helps people buy, sell, and invest in real estate in the most professional and ethical way possible.
12. MBG's ethical practice mandates that your agent only represents and works for you- 100%.


Got questions?  Ready to save thousands in wasted commissions when selling, buying, or investing in real estate? 




Call Max Business Group at 412-552-9811
  • get all your questions answered about our Services 
  • discuss your situation and needs 
  • identify which of our services may be best for you



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Save Thousands using our Commission FREE Real Estate Services

  • Buyers can receive cash back, tax-free rebates, after closing
  • Sellers can receive the largest proceeds check possible at closing
  • Investors can accelerate net worth growth year after year