Find HIGH ROI Residential Rental Properties with Analysis

Investors, open to hedging or diversifying their investment portfolio or retirement accounts, using “owning-their-own,” low risk, high-ROI, income producing properties, seek us out to help them find, analyze, buy, and manage the performance of their real estate portfolio.
Find Residential Rental and Commercial Properties
One of the most common ways that investors use to find real estate to invest in is using web-based search engines. Getting to current and accurate market data, is critical for the investor, and the reason we have selected three of the best search engines for you.
Don't have the time, or looking for a better way to find top properties? See how we analyze and compare hundreds of rental properties at the same time using our REIA Report: Best Buys List.
1. Agent Represented Properties- Search every property listed by every agent from nearly every real estate company in the Western PA region (including ours). Property type searches include: Residential, Farm-Acreage-Land, Commercial-Industrial, Multi-Unit, To Be Built, and Properties for Lease. The market is HOT HOT HOT, so if you find a property of interest, call Max Business Group at 412-552-9811 immediately.
2. A search on Zillow, expands your local multi-list search to include properties being sold For-Sale-by-Owner.
3. Search statistics for top schools, best neighborhoods, and safest communities. An additional search that could impact where you invest.
Finding High ROI Properties with Research and Analysis:
Successful investors live the power of the Max-ism: Measure what you want and buy it!® They know what gets measured gets attention, and, it is this attention to financial performance that helps investors maximize returns. In fact, one of our research studies revealed data which suggested that over 97% of real estate investors could or should have made better investment decisions than they had (base on Cash Flow After Tax performance of active multi-unit properties available for purchase at the time of study).
Conducting a comprehensive and accurate financial performance analysis of income producing real estate is THE most differentiating activity between successful investors and unsuccessful investors. Successful investors also know that financial performance analysis provided insights into what changes need to be made to continuously maximize returns.
Our REIA Report comprehensively analyzes the financial performance of income producing property, reports that performance for each of the four pillars for building net worth (Cash Flow, Tax Benefits, Appreciation, Principal Reduction). It also provides performance metrics, that allow investors to make decisions across and between asset classes, and lender to make quick decisions about funding the investment.
We can also use our analysis to find properties that provided the highest tax shelter limits allowed by the IRS. To learn more about some of the different ways we analyze the financial performance of income producing properties, see REIA Report Versions below.
REIA Report Versions
Max Wilson invented and developed a full range of REIA Reports (Real Estate Investment Analysis Report) to meet the needs of his investor clients who needed a third-party independent financial performance analysis of a property. The reports can be used by sellers to support the list price, by buyers to support their offer price and to achieve lending, and for decision making between partners.
All versions of REIA Reports are an easy and cost-effective tool for buyers, sellers, lenders, and agents alike to better understand the financial performance of an income producing property based on sound mathematical financial calculations.
The reports are designed to meet the needs of investors looking to maximize returns when buying and selling income producing properties. To date, no other analysis tool, at any cost, is as complete, comprehensive, customizable, and accepted by lenders or all types around the country.
Listed below are some of the most common REIA Reports of interest to investor buyers:
• REIA Report Investor: Answers How does this property build wealth (4 Pillars) and What are the investment benefits of buying this property?
• REIA Report Investor Partnership: Reports individualized returns when inventing with one or more partners
• REIA Report Portfolio Analysis: Reports the financial performance of an investors entire income producing real estate portfolio- identifying those to keep and those to sell off. Investors also use them to compare the financial performance of multiple potential properties before purchase.
• REIA Report Best Buys List: Reports the financial performance of the highest performing properties in the Pittsburgh PA region, based on investor criteria. Uses owner and agent provided data. Please note that this high-end analytical tool is available for purchase only by clients that have contracted us to fully represent them with our Traditional Full-Service Investor Buyer Representation services.
Not All Agents are Equal: Finding and Hiring the Right Agent for the Job!

We are business consultants, licensed as real estate brokers and salespersons in PA. We have invented and ran financial performance analysis on millions of local income producing properties- so we know our market.
Even if you choose not to use our services, we'd still like to help. To be most successful in selling your rental property, you will be critical that you find a knowledgeable agent, to help you navigate the sales process, tap into and attract top investor to your property, be expert in negotiation, and understand financial performance.
To help you find that help, download our article Seven Questions to Help You Find a Knowledgeable Agent. Although this article was originally written to help investor buyers, as the seller, your agent MUST be able to answer the same questions- as it will be their job to interact with the investor, their agent, their lender, etc., and if they don't understand the language and the processes that must be followed, then you'll either sell a long time from now at a fire sale price, or will need to wait until the agents contract expires- and then you can use this list to make better agent hiring decisions.
Next Steps to Saving Thousands!
Call Max Business Group at 412-552-9811
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