Sell Your Residence for Top Dollar
Our goal: To sell your property for the most money, in the shortest period of time, under the most favorable conditions for you, while limiting your legal liability now and into the future and reducing the stress some Sellers experience along the way.
Why Commission Free Real Estate Services?

We believe, charging sellers a commission, based on a percent of the sales price of their property, is highly unethical, unfair, and an act of “price discrimination,” as it takes the same process, contracts, and time, to sell a $100,000 property as it does a $1,000,000 property. We invented Our Real Estate Services to put you in control of the selling process by allowing you to select only those services you want from an `a la carte menu of activities, and, pay a low hourly rate for the time it takes us to complete those activities for you. Our radically new, hourly-fee-for-service approach and rebate inducements have been recognized by the Dept. of Justice as a way sellers can save thousands in wasted commissions-helping them keep more of their money in their pocket where it belongs. Are you ready to save thousands? |
How Commission FREE Real Estate Services Save Sellers Thousands when Selling Their Residence!
Watch this short video to see how you can save thousands when you hire us to fully represent you in the sale of your residence in Western PA. Then, see how much larger your check at closing might be using our Seller Savings Calculator (located just below the video). Calculation does not include additional savings from our business approach to setting listing, marketing, and selling strategies, strategically writing contracts, and masterfully negotiating throughout the transaction.
To Get Top Dollar for your Home, You'll have to Hire the Right Agent!
It's NOT about how much an agent says they will list your home for, it's about the size of your check at closing. The estimated size of your check at closing, can be calculated using a Seller's Estimated Cost Sheet (download), and will be the difference between all the costs you have to pay to sell your home, subtracted from the list (sales) price. Not sure what your home might sell for? Enter your address into Chase's Home Value Estimator for a quick guess.
WARNING: You should know that some agents may provide higher than realistic market values just to get your listing or make larger commissions. Overpricing may be the #1 reason that one out of every three homes listed in some parts of Western PA, expire off the market, unsold for over a year- even after dropping the price over and over again. Don't get caught up in hiring the agent that gives you the highest list price for your home. All agents belonging to the local West Penn Multi-list, use the same data when conducting a market analysis.
Not sure what to do? Call Max Business Group at 412-552-9811 for an open, honest, and unbiased answer. |
Next Steps to Saving Thousands!
Call Max Business Group at 412-552-9811 to
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