Search Local Schools & Neighborhood Statistics
It is always a good idea to investigate and learn about the area and school districts that you are considering moving into- BEFORE you buy. In fact, may times, our search for properties is specific just to one or two school districts or areas based on other family needs. For many buyers with children the school district that they move into is one of the conditions for purchase. To help our clients and customers make better buying decisions for their family, we provide the following references.
School Search
The Great Schools website is a valued resource for Buyers who want to compare school district performance and services, before narrowing in on where to to search for their new Dream Home.
Neighborhood Search
The Niche website provides Places to Live statistics such as Overall Grade, Population, Real Estate Statistics, Crime and Safety, and Population Diversity ratings. The site also provides searches for Places to Work, K-12 School Districts, and Colleges.
Safety Search
Please note, that although this site provides
Crime and Safety statistics, the best information always comes from local law
enforcement. Crime statistics usually fall into two categories:
Crimes against people, and crimes again property. You will want to
ask your local law enforcement about both types of crimes. You will also
want to ask about if there are any registered sex offenders living in the area
where you are thinking of buying. Search the Pennsylvania
State Police Megan's Law website. Accept usage rule then search by selecting the Megan Law Searches tab at the top of the page.
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